Privacy Policy

DATE 2/05/2024

This Policy represents how ArdentAU manages your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“the Privacy Act”). Our Privacy Policy seeks to safeguard the privacy of your personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (“the APP’s”) contained within the Privacy Act.In addition to this Privacy Policy, we may also have specific and additional privacy provisions that apply to certain activities and promotions. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of this Privacy Policy and those other specific and additional provisions, the specific and additional provisions provided to you will apply.Please note that if at any time ArdentAU is required by law to release information about you, ArdentAU must cooperate fully.

This Privacy Policy may be amended from timeto time and may be revised. This Privacy Policy represents the latest version of the ArdentAU Privacy Policy.

1. Your Personal Information ArdentAU recognises that your privacy is very important to you and that you have a right to control your personal information. We know that providing personal information is an act of trust and we take our responsibility for your information seriously. Unless you give us explicit consent to actotherwise, the following policy will govern how Marquee Projects handles your personal information and safeguards your privacy. By using ArdentAU's products and services, you consent to Marquee Projects using your personal information as set out in this Privacy Policy.

1.1 What does “personal information” mean?Personal information is any information about you that identifies you or by which your identity may be reasonably determined. By collecting this personal information we are able to: Contact you when and where necessary; Ensure that you attain the     best possible service; and Identify you and protect you from any unauthorised access to your personal information.If you choose not to provide personal information to us, we may not be able to provide you with access to parts of the website or to certain content, products and services available on or from our website.

1.2 The kinds of personal information we collect and holdPersonal information which we may collect and hold includes:-

1.       Your name and email address;
2.      Your phone number and mobile phone number;
3.      Other personal information necessary for the services we offer to you.

ArdentAU may record anonymous information which tells us about visitors to our website but not the identity of those visitors. For example, we may collect information about the date, time and duration of those visits and which pages of our website are being commonly accessed. We may also use “cookies” that are small pieces of information that allow an organisation to track websites browsed by you. You may be able toadjust your browser to disable cookies. However, if you do disable cookies, youmay not be able to interact with our website or take advantage of the improved functionality that cookies enable.

1.3 How ArdentAU collects and holds personal information ArdentAU will collect your personal information directly from you where possible.

In some instances, we will collect your personal information from an associate of yours, in which case we will obtain your consent.As a general rule, we do not collect sensitive information. Sensitive information is a type of personal information and can include, but is not limited to, information about an individual’s health, opinions and beliefs. However, if we do collect sensitive information, it will usually be for the purposes of providing our services and we will seek your consent to collect it.In the course of providing the requested services, we may collect and hold personal information relating to an associate of yours where it is impractical or unreasonable to seek the same information directly from the associate. You must take reasonable steps to ensure that you are authorised to disclose that information to Marquee Projects.

1.4 How ArdentAU uses your personal information.

1.5 Who would ArdentAU disclose your personal information to?
ArdentAU may need to disclose your personal information in certain circumstances. For example, your personal information may be required to be disclosed in providing our services, such as disclosing your information to statutory authorities in the completion of our services toyou.We may also disclose your personal informationwhere you have consented to us doing so in providing you with our services orwhere disclosure is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it wassubmitted.We may need to disclose or transfer your personal information if ArdentAU is acquired by or merged with another entity.ArdentAU will, at all times, attempt to ensurethat we do not disclose your personal information to a third party whereconsent for such disclosure has not been given. In all cases where we may be required to disclose information we will attempt to obtain your direct consent for such disclosure.Please note that if at any time ArdentAU is required by law to release information about you, we must cooperate fully. Wemay also disclose your information in order to investigate, halt or take action regarding illegal activities.

1.6 How can you access your personal information and/or seek correction?You may access and/or request that your personal information be edited or corrected by contacting the Privacy Officer at ArdentAU:Email:

1.5 Who would ArdentAU disclose your personal information to?
ArdentAU may need to disclose your personal information in certain circumstances. For example, your personal information may be required to be disclosed in providing our services, such as disclosing your information to statutory authorities in the completion of our services to you.We may also disclose your personal informationwhere you have consented to us doing so in providing you with our services orwhere disclosure is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it wassubmitted.

We may need to disclose or transfer your personal information if ArdentAU is acquired by or merged with another entity.ArdentAU will, at all times, attempt to ensurethat we do not disclose your personal information to a third party whereconsent for such disclosure has not been given. In all cases where we may be required to disclose information we will attempt to obtain your direct consent for such disclosure.Please note that if at any time ArdentAU is required by law to release information about you, we must cooperate fully. Wemay also disclose your information in order to investigate, halt or take action regarding illegal activities.

1.6 How can you access your personal information and/or seek correction?
You may access and/or request that your personal information be edited or corrected by contacting the Privacy Officer at ArdentAU: Email:

1.5 Who would ArdentAU disclose your personal information to?
ArdentAU may need to disclose your personal information in certain circumstances. For example, your personal information may be required to be disclosed in providing our services, such as disclosing your information to statutory authorities in the completion of our services toyou.We may also disclose your personal informationwhere you have consented to us doing so in providing you with our services orwhere disclosure is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it wassubmitted.We may need to disclose or transfer your personal information if ArdentAU is acquired by or merged with another entity.ArdentAU will, at all times, attempt to ensurethat we do not disclose your personal information to a third party whereconsent for such disclosure has not been given. In all cases where we may be required to disclose information we will attempt to obtain your direct consentfor such disclosure.Please note that if at any time ArdentAU is required by law to release information about you, we must cooperate fully. Wemay also disclose your information in order to investigate, halt or take action regarding illegal activities.1.6 How can you access your personalinformation and/or seek correction?You may access and/or request that your personal information be edited or corrected by contacting the Privacy Officer at ArdentAU:Email:

1.5 Who would ArdentAU disclose your personalinformation to?ArdentAU may need to disclose your personal information in certain circumstances. For example, your personal informationmay be required to be disclosed in providing our services, such as disclosing your information to statutory authorities in the completion of our services to you.We may also disclose your personal informationwhere you have consented to us doing so in providing you with our services orwhere disclosure is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was submitted.We may need to disclose or transfer your personal information if ArdentAU is acquired by or merged with another entity. ArdentAU will, at all times, attempt to ensurethat we do not disclose your personal information to a third party where consent for such disclosure has not been given. In all cases where we may be required to disclose information we will attempt to obtain your direct consentfor such disclosure.Please note that if at any time ArdentAU is required by law to release information about you, we must cooperate fully. Wemay also disclose your information in order to investigate, halt or take action regarding illegal activities.

1.6 How can you access your personal information and/or seek correction?
You may access and/or request that your personal information be edited or corrected by contacting the Privacy Officer at ArdentAU:Email: By phone: (07) 3190 2959

By post: South Tower, Level 3/527 Gregory Terrace, Queensland 4000

We strive to ensure that all personalinformation stored is accurate, up-to-date and complete

.2. Your Personal Information And OverseasDisclosureArdentAU  stores your personal information in Australia.Disclosures of your personal information willnot be made overseas without your express consent, or in circumstances where weare legally required.3. Data Quality And SecurityArdentAU will endeavour to take all reasonablesteps to keep secure any personal information which we hold about you and tokeep this information accurate and up to date.

However, as the internet is not a secure environment, any information that yousend to us via that method is sent at your own risk. We strive to ensure the security, integrityand privacy of the personal information of our clients. We use a variety of physical and electronic security measures including restricting physical accessto our offices and firewalls and secure databases to keep personal informationsecure from misuse, loss, modification, unauthorised access or disclosure.In addition, our employees are obliged to respect the confidentiality ofpersonal information held by ArdentAU.

4. Direct Marketing
If you subscribe to receive information fromt his Site, then your e-mail address and other personal information that you provide will be recorded. Your email address will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it. ArdentAU may, from time to time, use your personal information, such as your address or contact details, to provide you with information about other services that we offer.

If at any time you do not wish to receive anyinformation about these services, please feel free to contact us on 07) 31902959 or by email to Complaints About Breaches Of Privacy. If you are unsatisfied with the manner inwhich ArdentAU has dealt with your personal information and wish to complain,you can direct your complaints to the Privacy Officer at ArdentAU at

ArdentAU will, within seven days,1 respond to you and attempt to resolve with you your issues as they pertain to yourpersonal information.If you are still unsatisfied, you may wish todirect your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at or alternatively:

By phone: 1300 363 992
In writing: GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001